English teachers

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

My family and I hosted a party for the English teachers at the Pan de Vida school. It was a way to show my appreciation of their efforts. We had food and played Monopoly. Two of my kids also joined in the game.

At the beginining of the year, Miriam, a Mexican volunteer and I were the only English teachers at the school. It was a challenge for the two of us to plan lessons, grade papers and teach all the kids from Kindergarten to high school. 

But then God provided volunteers from Canada to help out. Plus, two women who taught last semester briefly returned to help teach. 

They all came at different times throughout the school year, but their timing was perfect. Each one came at the right moment. They also stepped up when a fellow English teacher was either sick or had to attend to pressing matters. 

Also, their presence enabled me to serve better as the English coordinator. 

During the semester, there was a total of 7 English teachers that served. They all did a great job. 

The chilren at Pan de Vida have benefited greatly by having English classes primarily from native speakers. Not only do the kids learn an important skill for life, but they get to interact with Christian role models. 


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