October 20-26, 2019

October 20-26, 2019

Teaching ministry update:

 1) I assisted with teen prayer time. The teens meet once a week for a devotional and prayer. Aaron, one of the adult volunteer caregivers at Pan de Vida,  led with the verse 1 Corinthians 7:1.

Aaron and I talked about the choice we must make about Jesus Christ. I brought up a recent news article in Panama about people who do unusual acts for penance, such as having hot wax poured on their backs and making pilgrimages to the Black Christ statue. Faith in Jesus, not in our efforts, can only take away our sin.

Aaron and I also talked about how now is the time to make a decision for Christ, because we dont know when our time on earth is finished. I reminded the teens about a car collision that occurred the previous Saturday where 4 young adults died. The teens knew 1 of the adults that died.

2) The girls at Pan de Vida were busy with kitchen responsibilities this week.  All the girls had to clean the kitchen so Brenda didn´t do any math tutoring. 

3) During the week I ate lunch with the kids at Pan de Vida. 

4) I taught English to the adult volunteers at Pan de Vida. We meet once a week. This class started in June. 

5)  English classes. The 6th graders and junior high students learned Hebrews 4:12 and reviewed Joshua 1:9.  We reviewed the 10 Commandments. We went over the lyrics from the song Reckless Love.  
          The Grade 6 students did more practice on the present progressive, i.e. What are you doing?

The 6th graders recite the 10 Commandments in English
      Year 2 and year 3 junior high students had more practice with the past simple, i.e. What did you do yesterday? 

3rd year junior high students and 1 1st year junior high student recite both the present and past tense of irregular verbs


The 2nd year junior high students take notes to prepare for a quiz

  The h
igh student students worked on giving directions in English in their online class. Mitch and I checked the English work of the high school students before they submitted it online. 

6) In addition to my teaching responsiblities, I continue to coordinate all the English classes. I make sure that my fellow teachers have everything they need to teach their classes. 

7) A few weeks ago, I started helping my sister with coordinating the Sunday school classes at Pan de Vida. I keep a record of which kids are in class and I make sure that the Sunday school teachers have enough chairs for their classes. 

8) In my free time at school, I continue to work on lesson plan organization.

Family update

 1) Our kids continue with swimming lessons and music classes.Violin class was canceled. Martha, one of the girls from PDV), and Ariadne will make up the class next week.

   2) We were surpised to receive some donated baby clothes and personal care ítems.

  3) Brenda and baby are doing well. The baby is moving a lot more often. 

Financial update

 1) Pregnancy funding now at $2,665 (US dollars) out of $3,000. $335 left to go!

2) Financial report. As of October 26, our ministry has received $900 in support for this month. 

           Missions website: https://cten.org/missionary/bryanottoson/

           YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheOptimusPrime24


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