Meet James John Ottoson.
hanging out with dad |
James was born on Friday, November 29 at 6:10pm. He weighed in at 7.11 lbs and was measured at 1 ft 8 inches.
newborn |
We were originally planning on a natural childbrith, but Brenda had to have a C-section, because her water broke without any contractions taking place.
James is doing well. He is making good use of all the donated diapers and wet wipes we received.
Touchdown! |
Brenda is doing better now. At first, she was experiencing a slow recovery from the operation. Also, we were mostly using formula, because the breast milk was slow in coming out. But thanks to God, now James is alble to get enough breast milk so we hardly have to use any formula.
Brianna meeting her brother for the first time |
Brenda and I are grateful to everyone who has helped us with covering the costs associated with the pregancy and providing us with clothes and baby accessories. Thank you
Ariadne meeting her brother at the clinic |
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