Passport renewal time

Monday, September 14, 2020

It is time to renew my U.S. passport. 

Due to Covid, I must return to the United States to get a new one.  Under normal conditions, I could stay in Mexico by visiting the U.S. embassy in Mexico City.

 It’s an answer to prayer that some Canadian volunteers recently came to help at Pan de Vida, because I am the only English teacher at the orphanage.  

Prior to their arrival, I was wondering what would happen with my English classes at Pan de Vida while I was gone.  The kids from Kindergarten to Junior High have an 1 hour of English instruction built into their school schedule for 2-3 days a week.

The plan is to depart for the United States on October 2.

 I will get a ride with the director of the Pan de Vida orphanage to McAllen, Texas. He has to go to there for some supplies for the orphanage. And then I plan take a flight from McAllen to Nebraska. I will stay at my parent’s house while waiting to get a new passport.

It is uncertain how long it will take. Under normal circumstances, one can get a new passport in 4-6 weeks. With the effects of Covid, it could be longer. I have to stay in the United States until the new passport arrives.

While I am gone, the Canadian volunteers will take over my classes at Pan de Vida. 

My family will stay in Mexico. It would be too much traveling for James, who is 9 months old. My mother-in-law and a friend of the family will help out while I am gone. 

Let me know if you would like to visit with me while I am back in the United States. I would love to talk about my family's ministry. Send a message to me on Facebook messenger or at

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