Bryan in Nebraska

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Last week I applied for a new U.S. passport. I need to stay in the U.S. until it arrives in the mail which can take anywhere from 4-6 weeks. 

In the meantime,  I am visiting with friends and taking care of things that need my personal attention in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Speaking at my home church in Lincoln last Sunday

Brenda and the kids are still in Mexico. We decided it was better if I just went back by myself. Due to Covid restrictions, I wasnt able to renew my passport in Mexico. 

Being apart has been a challenge, but we stay in contact through text messaging and phone calls. Ariadne, Alex and Brianna have stepped up to help take care of James.

Tyler, a volunteer at Pan de Vida orphange, and Scott, a  missionary living in Queretaro,  are teaching for me while I am gone. 

Tyler came to Pan de Vida a few weeks before I left. 

Missions website:


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