June 2021 Update

June 2021 update

 The following is an account of what happened in our ministry in June. Since I fell behind on providing updates, I have been recently attempting to get everyone informed of what has occured in the past couple of months.


One of Roman’s daughters, Estrella, asked for help to accept Jesus as her Lord and Savior. I mentioned Roman and his family in the May update. Estrella’s sister Kristina had recently made the decision for Jesus.

Estrella and I read together verses from the Bible that mentions our sin nature and our need for salvation. I carefully explained what the Bible says about becoming a Christian. Estrella said she understood and I prayed with her. She became a follower of Jesus on June 1, 2021. I then gave her a copy of a new Bible. She was excited about the gift.

Estrella with her new Bible

I continued doing Bible studies with Roman and 2 of his daughters Estrella and Kristina. Eventually, Roman’s wife Sandra also joined the studies. Brenda also took advantage of opportunities to talk to Sandra about the Bible.

Estrella came over to our house often. She offered to sell food that Brenda cooked. Estrella would walk around the neighborhood selling freshly baked food. It was a way for both of them to earn some money. Estrella also got to see what a Christian family looks like.

Estrella helping Brenda with cooking food for sale

Roman made a big mistake. He gave in to one of his friends efforts to sell him drugs. He consumed alcohol and the drug after getting done with work. When he got home, he was out of his mind and out of control. Roman started threatening his family and physically assaulting friends and family. One of his daughter’s called the police. Roman had to be taken away to a detox/rehab clinic. Roman’s wife and daughters were obviously upset. Once he was sober again, he couldn’t remember what happened.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t meet with Roman anymore to study the Bible. He had to fix matters at home with his family as well as catch up on work. He is a self-employed construction worker and his episode with being under the influence of drugs caused him to fall behind on work.

Please continue to pray for Roman and his family.


I told my students at the 2 orphanages that I teach out that this would be my last month of teaching. My family and I decided that we were going to return to the United States. We believed God was leading us to go back.

 The majority of my students told me that they didn’t want me to leave. They told me that they liked having me as a teacher. I had a going away party for each of my classes. We had a good time eating food and talking but it was sad for me knowing that I was leaving them.

Going away party from my students at Esperanza orphanage.

party with my junior high students at the Pan de Vdia orphanage

Party for my 3rd and 4th grade class

party for the 5th and 6th Grade class

party for the Kinder class

party for the 1st grade class

one of my student's protraits of me. Can you see the resemblance?

Amanda  came to Mexico from Canada toward the end of June to help out at Pan de Vida for a few weeks. While she was there, she helped teach in my English classes. I appreciated her help. 

Amanda helping the Kinder students with a learning game

Duane, a volunteer at both Pan de Vida and Esperanza orphanages, installed the wooden steps for the indoor stairs.

Ariadne and Alex had a music recital. They played very well.


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