Football party

Sunday, January 21, 2018,

Brenda and I hosted a party to watch the 2 NFL playoff games. We invited all the kids from Junior High and High School.

Out of those invited, 22 kids and 6 adults showed up. A little less than half came for the first game between the New England Patriots and Jacksonville Jaguars.

The rest showed up for the 2nd match up between the Minnesota Vikings and the Philadelphia Eagles.

When not watching the football game, the kids played cards and board games.

The adults that came were a great help with interacting with the kids. Half of the adults are from a team that came from Canada to spend a week helping at Pan de Vida. The other adults are full-time volunteers at Pan de Vida. Chad, one of the full-time volunteers, helped with transporting the kids to our house and returning them to Pan de Vida.

The kids enjoyed the opportunity to spend a couple of hours outside of Pan de Vida. They had a lot of fun and were well-behaved. It was a great way to connect to the kids.

The kids also brought their appetites. 18 large pizzas, around 5 gallons of pop and countless snacks were consumed.

Those who support us financially helped make this event possible. Thank you!

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