Are you going to preach?

Thursday, February 14, 2019

"Are you going to preach?"

One of the 11 to 14-year-old boys at Pan de Vida asked me this question at the beginning of their prayer time.

I was surprised by the question.

I had no plans to preach that night. I don't even consider myself to be a preacher. Besides, I was not even prepared to teach anything from God's Word.

I told the boy "I didn't plan on preaching, but we'll see."

 The co-director of the children's home had previously asked for adult male volunteers to pray with the boys. The boys are in need of godly male role models in their lives. They are struggling and need guidance from Christian men. I felt led by God to spend some time with the boys that night.

The only thought I had going into the prayer time with the boys pray. Nothing else. Surely, I wouldn't be called to preach, would I?

I still had my doubts about "preaching"  until Josue, the other adult leader, led in the opening prayer. While he has praying, Proverbs chapter 7 came to my mind. I believe God brought it to my attention for a reason.

Proverbs 7 deals with a young man that was seduced into adultery.  I immediately thought that this story could relate to what was being observed that day - Valentines Day. In Mexico, this day is called the day of love and friendship.

After he and some of the other boys in the group had prayed, I was eager to start "preaching" about Proverbs 7.  I took it by faith that God wanted me to talk about it. Despite my lack of preparation, I began an impromptu study on Proverbs 7.

One of the boys read volunteered to read the chapter. He didn't have a Bible with him so I let him borrow my bilingual Bible. The boy was a little confused at first, seeing both Spanish and English on the same page. After showing him how my Bible was organized, he started reading in Spanish. When he finished reading, he then asked me to read the chapter to them again but in English. They are learning English so I figured, why not.

After the reading, I started asking them questions about the story. We had a good discussion. Josue and I explained certain things that were brought up from the story. It went really well. We talked about God is calling the boys to be men of character and to resist sexual temptation. For the most part, the boys were attentive. We finished the time with more prayer.

I realized how much I enjoyed the time with the boys. I am praying for more opportunities to hang out with them and pray with them.

Also, I saw how God will give the words to say as long as we are willing to serve Him.

Please pray that God's Word will take root in their lives.


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