January 2021 update


Note: As you can see, I fell behind on posting updates to the blog. So, will be working on providing an update for each month from January going forward.

January 2021 update

After the Christmas break, my kids continued with homeschooling and swimming lessons.

On January 11, a new school semester started at Pan de Vida (PDV). Due to the effects of Covid, school would be in session for 3 hours a day Monday through Friday. No breaks between classes.

 English classes for the kids from Kindergarten to junior high were spread out over the week. I was the main English teacher. Scott, a missionary from Canada, still came twice a week to help me teach a few of the English classes. However, when there were days he couldn’t teach, I would have to combine my classes with his classes. 

I also continued teaching twice a week at Esperanza Para Ti (EPT).

On January 18, Becca, a volunteer from the state of Washington, assisted me with the teaching of English at the PDV school. It was very helpful to have her in the classroom, especially with the younger kids. She was at Pan de Vida for a couple of weeks.

Beccca teaching the Kindergarten class

Tyler helping Becca in the combined grade 3-4 class

Also, Tyler, a volunteer from Canada, would occasionally take a break from maintenance work to help out with English classes.

My family was blessed to be able to receive some surplus donated food from both PDV and EPT.

Missions website: https://cten.org/missionary/bryanottoson/



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